Perform a Journey Planner search from the parameters provided
Origin of the journey. Can be WGS84 coordinates expressed as "lat,long", a UK postcode, a Naptan (StopPoint) id, an ICS StopId, or a free-text string (will cause disambiguation unless it exactly matches a point of interest name).
Destination of the journey. Can be WGS84 coordinates expressed as "lat,long", a UK postcode, a Naptan (StopPoint) id, an ICS StopId, or a free-text string (will cause disambiguation unless it exactly matches a point of interest name).
Travel through point on the journey. Can be WGS84 coordinates expressed as "lat,long", a UK postcode, a Naptan (StopPoint) id, an ICS StopId, or a free-text string (will cause disambiguation unless it exactly matches a point of interest name).
Does the journey cover stops outside London? eg. "nationalSearch=true"
The date must be in yyyyMMdd format
The time must be in HHmm format
Does the time given relate to arrival or leaving time? Possible options: "departing" | "arriving"
The journey preference eg possible options: "leastinterchange" | "leasttime" | "leastwalking"
The mode must be an array of modes. eg possible options: ["public-bus,overground,train,tube,coach,dlr,cablecar,tram,river,walking,cycle"]
The accessibility preference must be an array eg. ["noSolidStairs", "noEscalators", "noElevators", "stepFreeToVehicle", "stepFreeToPlatform"]
An optional name to associate with the origin of the journey in the results.
An optional name to associate with the destination of the journey in the results.
An optional name to associate with the via point of the journey in the results.
The max walking time in minutes for transfer eg. "120"
The max walking time in minutes for journeys eg. "120"
The walking speed. eg possible options: "slow" | "average" | "fast".
The cycle preference. eg possible options: "allTheWay" | "leaveAtStation" | "takeOnTransport" | "cycleHire"
Time adjustment command. eg possible options: "TripFirst" | "TripLast"
An array of cycling proficiency levels. eg possible options: ["easy,moderate,fast"]
Option to determine whether to return alternative cycling journey
Option to determine whether to return alternative walking journey
Flag to determine whether certain text (e.g. walking instructions) should be output with HTML tags or not.
A boolean to indicate whether or not to return 3 public transport journeys, a bus journey, a cycle hire journey, a personal cycle journey and a walking journey
A boolean to indicate whether to optimize journeys using walking
A boolean to indicate whether to return one or more taxi journeys. Note, setting this to true will override "useMultiModalCall".
A boolean to indicate whether public transport routes should include directions between platforms and station entrances.
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